The July meeting will be a Enable Labs on July 10 at 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM. It looks like it will be ad-hoc topics, so bring your topic ideas for the coming meetings.
Author Archives: tony
June 2013 Meeting
The June meeting will be a Enable Labs on June 12 at 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM. This month we will be talking about Instruments and my personal adventures with this tool. As always, if you have an Cocoa related project you would like to present – Let us know.
I am sure we will be talking about WWDC at some point. See you at the meeting.
May meeting
The May meeting will be at Enable Labs in Troy, NY. We will be talking about using Instruments to help create better applications. If you want to begin using instruments or you can contribute to the conversion on creating better Cocoa applications. In addition we will be having a presentation on – should be of interest of cocoa developers.
** update **
Tonight’s presentation will be on and not instruments. We will have a presentation on instruments next month.
Please join us from 6:30PM until around 9:00PM.
April Meeting
We have a meeting coming up, and it is going to be on a different day. We are going to try the 2nd Wednesday of the Month for a while. Hopefully, this will reduce the number of meetings that appeal to our members in a single week.
Let’s see how it goes. So this months meeting is going to be on 4/10 at Enable Labs in Troy, NY.
March Meeting
The March meeting will be at Enable Labs in Troy, NY on March 7th at 6:30PM. Please plan on joining us for an evening a lively discussion on coding with Objective C and Cocoa.
February Meeting
We will be getting together again on February 7 2013 at Enable Labs in Troy, NY. Plan on joining us for the meeting starting at 6:30 PM.
January Meeting
Did you get a new Mac for Christmas? A new project? Albany Cocoaheads we are meeting again at Enable Labs on January 3, 2013.
One can not live on Cocoa alone
Well maybe you can live on Cocoa alone. However, sometimes you would like to know more about something interesting.
So here’s something interesting. An introduction to Windows 8, developing for the Windows phone and Windows store. Click the link to find out more about it all. It is a cooperative effort of Microsoft and Big Nerd Ranch – so you know it will content rich.
Here is the link Windows 8 class
December Meeting
Albany Cocoaheads will be meeting on December 6th 2012 at 6:30PM until 9:00PM. Enable Labs is located right next to Browns Brewing on River Street in Troy. So we will probably have a few drinks before the meeting.
We will be having a presentation on RubyMotion.
If you have something to present at a future meeting, contact us on the mailing list!forum/albany-area-cocoaheads. We are going to try to have two presentations next month, something for new Cocoa developers and a more advanced topic.
October Meeting
The October 2012 meeting of Albany Cocoaheads will be on November 1st at 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM. The topic will be a sample Parse app. Check out the Web site for a description of what Parse offers to app developers.